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It’s been years since we’ve seen Dan and Cathy Cooperider. They’ve moved from Charleston to Thornville in the last few years. We’ve been trying to meet up for months and finally made it happen. We had a great time at their patio maintaining a proper social spacing.

Harvest Hosts site McDonald’s Farm was where we stayed. The McDonald’s are very friendly and welcoming. They have a greenhouse and a petting farm.

The next morning, we went biking in Zanesville on the Zane Landing Trail. It’s a 4 mile paved trail along the Muskingum River. This statue includes the founder of Zanesville, writer Zane Grey, and John Glenn (born nearby).

Moving to West Lafayette to stay at Ravens Glen Winery. We arrived just before they closed Sunday evening. Once all visitors cleared out we had the vineyard to ourselves.

The vineyard is on the Tuscarawas River with a golf course directly opposite.

Coshocton Three Rivers Bikeway and Roscoe Village were our destinations Monday morning. The bike trail is paved and ends in the middle of Coshocton.

I’ve never been to Roscoe Village which was a major stopover on the Erie Canal. The historical buildings were just opening a couple days later so we only rode through the site.

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